"The Differences"
I wonder how the teachers taught it...did they just slave away as kids today don't give a fuckin' care if they're even a martyr? That's why some fight it. That's why some fought it. Now sit back and watch it as I pick pocket your eye socket.
The men blues never hesitated. Discrimination as the station gets there quota's baited. The shit's inflated. The shit is too outdated; but it's too late to undo all the shit that we've created.
It's about the differences...or maybe the lack thereof. The lack of love gets tangled in a web saying, "what's done is done". Now people suffer as we watch the world get undone. It's time to voice together to write even better songs.
I know we in sync when we think as a single mind, community things. But there's no community unity soon to be rubble and ashes of mutiny things. Fuckin' the system, look at the blood that's been shed on this mission. Who licks the wounds of the wounded? Nobody's ears are open to listen.
Police hold guns, sell stolen goods, come up in the ranks. And we got the fuckin' nerve to label others as the gangs? Now you can pardon me, or you could pardon this, but there's no difference between a drug dealer and a pharmacist.
It's all the same. Ain't nothin' changed. It's all the same.
Uzis oozin' led in movies makin' their shit so accusing, but the truth be that it's worse with a badge...ain't that amusing? They always got the bigger guns, inspectin' themselves. Then how the fuck in the world should we be expectin' to be protectin' ourselves?
Infectin' the cells. You think 'cause there's bars it gives it a different flavor? Ain't no difference between incarceration and slave labor. That's how they play ya'. That's how they gave ya' a way out with no "legitimate" pay, push you in the corner with a taser.
I've on this shit for years. Kickin' back beers, kickin' back tears, kickin' back anything I can sing louder than, I can bring towers down leveling everything, maskin' the government's menacing and there's no medicine to help pleasant men, or if they peasant men, shit's even worse for them. Don't get me started before I start draggin' hearses in.
It's all the same. Ain't nothin' changed. It's all the same.
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