"Spineless. First word that came to mind when I sit to write this. Not spittin' mindless, I'm spittin' timeless as I rhyme this. I hope you find this. A century from now as I'm lecturing from clouds, make me proud, try to understand. Intentionally I planned, jammed it, on the mic I slammed it. Convictions? Yeah, I damned 'em. Foot note was Broke wrote, this shit was never random. Confessions of a "cracka' jack" I lack the fact: I was not raised in a ghetto, but black on black crime I know we need to let go. Although, Dyer said it's product of "whiteness" being the "normal." That normality's a fallacy of white supremacy. The biggest casualties happen in the black community. CointelPro, Reagan, Bush, speaking far from the truths; make it hard for true change to come around in voting booths. Suburban thieves like these are the purveyors of theft. They ain't passin' no test of the unspoken rest. The shit is messed, plus we got no bullet proof vests. But mine's a city on my arm and a mic on my chest.
Give me 24 more hours and I'll show you to use 'em. Don't abuse 'em, even a minute could make losin' into winnin'. Look at Barack's inauguration day, bringin' change-don't waste a day, he used all 24 to make his way. Some would say. Rosa Park refused to move, it took only a few moments. One of many, add 'em up, you're closer to atonement. It takes a couple hours to make a piece of graffiti, don't greedy, keep it speedy, 22 to help the needy. Change your routine, for which side are you rooting? Is it Fox News who refers to "struggle" as "looting?" That ain't so soothing, but if that's your case keep on movin'. Bill O'Reilly's over there so suck his dick and stop pollutin'.
Don't ya' know I tried to stop ya'? With these lyrics that I mock ya'. But you're too ignorant to even get how I stomped ya'. But it's not waste of time, see, that's the point of the discourse. The way we usin' time in this meal of life, that's the main course. Check your source, feel your force. I ain't talkin' "Star Wars." The force inside that makes you want more, need more, see what you can do if you just get 24 more." -Broken Window